About Us
OO Farms was started developing pheasant habitat in the late 90’s with the vision of building a unique pheasant hunting location capable of self sustaining large numbers of ring neck pheasants year in and year out. A location that would provide pheasant hunting as it was in the ’40’s, ’50’s, and ’60’s in South Dakota. The idea was simple, build the habitat and the birds will come. When the large numbers of birds are available, we will provide the best wild pheasant hunt in South Dakota.
Today OO Farm has fulfilled that vision. The habitat has been developed into superb nesting, resting, and roosting area for hundreds of ring neck pheasants each year. OO Farm is regarded as the premier pheasant hunting location in South Dakota. The habitat has been built and the birds have come. Stories of “the hunt” at the OO are told by those who participated and those who dream of participating.
“We’ve never had a better time hunting, I’m thankful my son and I got to come hunt OO Farm. It’s a memory that will last a lifetime.”